(480) 788-6533 musicwithmckell@gmail.com


McKell is a wonderful teacher!! My son learned so much from her. She is extremely patient and positive! I would highly recommend her!!!


McKell is amazing! She is patient and kind and truly a great teacher. She taught my 12 year old daughter, we started with 30 minute lessons and then moved to a full hour because my daughter was having so much fun! Highly recommended!


McKell is very patient! As an adult taking lessons it can be intimidating, but she put me at ease and works at my pace. She’s a great teacher!


My daughter has taken violin lessons with McKell. McKell is super sweet, patient, and genuinely cares. Thanks, McKell!


My daughters were ruined on musical lessons because of a prior teacher’s hard-core style and method of teaching. Mckell has brought joy back to my daughters’ musical journeys with her joy and patience in teaching. Accommodating, dependable, punctual, sweet, and knowledgeable. Can’t recommend enough!


McKell was very patient with my daughter.  I would recommend her to anyone!


McKell is so patient and makes music so fun. My kids learned a lot in a short time. My kids enjoy her piano and violin class.
